Trademark Application
Office Action Response
Let Us Represent You!

Minor Administrative Trademark Application
Office Action Response
Failure to Disclaim
Improper Specimen
Improper Entity Type or Applicant Nationality
Description of Logos
Descriptions of Goods and/or Services
What You Get?
We are Appointed Attorney of Record
We will Prepare and Draft your Office Action Response
Unlimited Response to Non-Substantive Office Action
20% off TTAB Ex Parte Appeal, if necessary.
$697/Per Class

Complex Substantive
Trademark Application
Office Action Response
Section 2(d): Likelihood of Confusion Refusal
Section 2(e): Descriptiveness Refusal
Merely a Surname
Immoral or Scandalous Matter
What You Get?
We are Appointed Attorney of Record
We will Prepare and Draft your Office Action Response: including citations to statutory and case law supporting your argument
Unlimited Response to Substantive Office Action
20% off TTAB Ex Parte Appeal, if necessary.
$1,297/Per Class

*Per application for one (1) international class. Does not include the possible USPTO fee of $100 per international class should the application have to be changed from a TEAS Plus to TEAS.